The 'indexOf And 'search' Operator: How Both Are Use, Similarities And Differences.

The 'indexOf And 'search' Operator: How Both Are Use, Similarities And Differences.

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This article is to bring clarity to the similarities and differences between indexOf () and search (). Read along with me.


The indexOf and search operators are used in JavaScript to search for a substring within a string. Although both of these operators perform a similar function, there are some differences between them that developers should be aware of when choosing which one to use in their code.


The indexOf method is used to search for a substring within a string and returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring. If the substring is not found, indexOf returns -1.

The syntax for indexOf is as follows:

string.indexOf(searchValue[, fromIndex])

One important thing to note about indexOf is that it is case-sensitive. This means that if you are searching for a substring that is not in the same case as the string being searched, indexOf will not find it. For example:

let str = "Hello, world!"; 

console.log(str.indexOf("hello")); // Output: -1
The search operator is also used to search for a substring within a string, but it returns the index of the first match as well as the position of the substring within the string. If the substring is not found, the search returns -1

The syntax for search is as follows:
The string is the string to be searched, and regexp is a regular expression that specifies the substring to search for.


One important difference between indexOf and search is that search can accept regular expressions as search criteria, while indexOf can only search for a literal string. This makes search more powerful than indexOf in certain situations.

Another difference is that search is case-insensitive by default, but can be made case-sensitive by including the i flag in the regular expression. For example:

let str = "Hello, world!"; 

console.log(; //Output: 0 

console.log(; // Output: -1

indexOf vs search: When To Use

In general, indexOf is a good choice when you need to search for a literal string within a string, and don't need the additional functionality provided by regular expressions. It is also a good choice when you need to find the position of a substring within a string, but don't need to know the index of the first match.

On the other hand, if you need to search for a substring using a regular expression, or need to know the index of the first match as well as the position of the substring within the string, search is the better choice.


Both indexOf and search are useful tools for searching for substrings within strings in JavaScript. Developers should be aware of the differences between them and choose the appropriate one for their specific use case. In general, indexOf is best for simple, literal string searches, while search is more powerful and flexible, and can be used with regular expressions.